Unavailable Videogames Platforms Metroidvania Blasphemous II Collector's Platform: PS5 Platform: NSW Platform: XBOX Series X From €99.99 View
Available Videogames Adventure Last time I saw you Platform: PS5 Platform: NSW From 34,99 € Follow the story of Ayumi, a 12 year-old boy who wanders the melancholic countryside of Japan in search of the girl he has been seeing in his dreams, who may be related to the menacing typhoonapproaching his town… A coming-of-age narrative adventure about dealing with love, familyissues and ancient curses set in late 80’s Japan. Add to cart
Unavailable Videogames Action Adventure RPG Revita Platform: PS4 Platform: PS5 Platform: NSW From €34.99 In Revita, this fast-paced twin-stick roguelite platformer, a nameless child with no memories awakens in the metro with a vague sense of purpose and a desire to reach the distant clock tower. The child hopes to find answers at the top, encountering masked characters, monsters, and possibly the answers they seek. As they ascend the ominous clock tower,... View
Unavailable Videogames Action Adventure Platforms Arise: A simple story Platform: PS4 Platform: NSW From €34.99 Embark on an emotional journey of losing the love of one's life in the critically acclaimed Arise: A Simple Story, a 3D adventure game. Manipulate time, solve puzzles, and reshape surroundings as you push forward into the bittersweet recollections of a past life. This is a story about happiness and hardship, joy and sorrow. A story that all of us will one... View
Unavailable Videogames Action Adventure Metroidvania RPG Skautfold: Usurper Platform: PS4 Platform: PS5 From €24.99 Usurper takes place in an alternative timeline of 1898 in London. The outer worldly Citadel has landed in the city causing massive panic and releasing the maddening Fog. Recently re-crowned Empress Eleanor has assembled the royal forces and her four most loyal Knights to enter the Citadel - in the hopes of learning more, and hopefully finding a way to rid... View
Unavailable Videogames Adventure Puzzle Lord Winklebottom investigates Platform: PS4 Platform: NSW From €34.99 View
Unavailable Videogames Casual Shinorubi Platform: PS4 Platform: PS5 Platform: NSW From €39.99 Access to precious raw materials have been the cause of armed conflicts for thousands of years. And what could very well be the greatest material of them all, a compound simply called “R-R”, can only be found on one planet. That planet is Shinorubi. View
Available Videogames Adventure Platforms Promenade Platform: PS4 Platform: PS5 Platform: NSW From €34.99 Add to cart
Unavailable Videogames Adventure Puzzle Oaken Platform: PS4 Platform: PS5 Platform: NSW From €34.99 The world of Oaken is a mythical place, existing in a not easily defined space and time. It is stretched among the branches of the Great Oak. Its inhabitants are spirits which listen to the same voice, called the Oak Song. The loss of that voice starts a series of events leading into a struggle which may either heal or destroy the Great Oak. View
Unavailable Videogames Casual Uforia 2 Platform: PS5 Platform: NSW Platform: XBOX Series X From €39.99 View
Unavailable Videogames Adventure Puzzle Point & Click The procession to calvary Platform: PS4 Platform: NSW From €24.99 View
Available Videogames Platforms Metroidvania Narita Boy Platform: PS4 Platform: NSW From 39,99 € Narita Boy es un videojuego de aventura y acción en 2D, que apuesta por el pixel-art para ofrecernos un título inspirado en clásicos como Another World y que reúne una gran cantidad de referencias culturales del mundo pop y guiños a los años 80, entre las que el estudio destaca especialmente series, juguetes y videojuegos como He-Man y Double Dragon. Add to cart
Unavailable Videogames Action Platforms Vernal Edge Platform: PS4 Platform: PS5 Platform: NSW From €34.98 Te damos la bienvenida al reino de Haricot. Hace muchos años, la tierra se elevó hacia el cielo, formando un misterioso conjunto de islas flotantes en las que la Iglesia de Aloe, ávida de poder, gobierna con puño de hierro. View
Available Videogames Fight Fight'n Rage Edición Limitada 5º Aniversario Platform: PS4 Platform: PS5 Platform: NSW From 44,99 € Fight’N Rage is an old-school side-scroller beat’em up set in a far future infested with mutants. It mimics the aesthetics and simplified three-button gameplay of gems of the 90's such as Final Fight and Streets of Rage. Add to cart
Unavailable Videogames Platforms RPG Sword Of The Vagrant Platform: PS4 Platform: NSW From 24,99 € Viaja a un precioso mundo de fantasía pintado a mano conocido como Mythrilia y descubre la verdad sobre tu linaje y su secreto más oscuro. Juega como Vivian la Vagabunda, una vendedora ambulante que sigue la investigación de su padre perdido en un esfuerzo por reunirse con su familia View
Product available with different options Videogames Metroidvania Omegabot Platform: PS4 Platform: PS5 Platform: NSW From 19,99 € View
Unavailable Videogames Adventure RPG Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising Platform: PS4 Platform: PS5 Platform: NSW From €34.99 Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising combina una emocionante aventura a través de antiguas ruinas con la historia del resurgimiento de una ciudad de las cenizas. Atraídos por las lentes y otros tesoros de los cercanos Runebarrows, nuestros héroes se enteran de que la ciudad está luchando por reconstruirse tras un terremoto y deciden ayudar. A lo largo del camino,... View
Unavailable Videogames Action Platforms Nongunz: Doppelgänger Edition 3760328370199 Platform: PS4 Platform: NSW From €29.99 Nongunz es un roguelike de acción y plataformas nihilista. Oscuro tanto en jugabilidad como en temática, Nongunz es un acertijo que exige sacrificio. View
Available Videogames Action Puzzle System Of Souls Platform: PS4 Platform: PS5 From €29.99 System of Souls, es un juego de plataformas tipo puzle basado en una realidad distópica. Descubre una nueva distopía causada por el cambio climático, llena de autómatas y criaturas controladas por una IA. Intenta escapar del laboratorio controlado por Aura mediante puzles. Add to cart
Unavailable Videogames Action RPG Demon Gaze Extra 3760328371578 Platform: PS4 Platform: NSW From €59.99 El protagonista se convierte en un cazarrecompensas que utiliza el Demon Gaze, un ojo que controla a los demonios. Como Demon Gazer, él es la única persona capaz de enfrentarse a los demonios que habitan en los laberintos de la región. Desde el momento de su lanzamiento en Japón en 2013, el RPG original de mazmorras DEMON GAZE fue todo un éxito. Con su... View
Unavailable Videogames Casual Martian Killer Sophstar 37142 Platform: PS4 Platform: PS5 Platform: NSW From €30.00 View